from a Script
After Reagan made several misstatements and gaffes early in his presidency, White House aide
David Gergen said in Reagan's defense, "The man has a reputation as a great
communicator." However, there was something that Gergen didn't
say about Reagan: without a script to read from, Reagan was
often lost. Without a script, Reagan would frequently make erroneous and outlandish comments. (see Reagan Quotes)
One of Reagan's aides would later
"You have to treat him
[Reagan] as if you
were the director and he was the actor, and you tell him what to say and
what not to say, and only then does he say the right thing."
--"The Mind of
the President," The New York Times Magazine, October 6,
Yet it was not so easy for Reagan's
handlers to script
him for press conferences where unforeseen questions lurked. This is one reason that
Reagan's handlers tried to limit his meetings with the press.
"If you can control
the access of the press to [Reagan], you have a hell of a lot better
chance of him not screwing up."
--Lyn Nofziger (Reagan's campaign press secretary), interviewed by
Mark Hertsgaard, On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency
Reagan was aware
that he was inept at handling reporters. On several occasions, he allowed his press secretary, Larry Speakes to
intervene when he became confused, or
was confronted with a difficult question:
'My guardian says I can't
--President Reagan explaining that he can't answer a reporter's
question after his press secretary, Larry Speakes steps forward and orders
the lights turned off, July 10, 1984, cited by Paul Slansky, The Clothes Have No Emperor
"They turned out the
lights. That tells me I can't talk anymore."
--President Reagan explaining that he is not allowed to answer any
more questions, June 19, 1985, cited by Paul Slansky, The Clothes Have No Emperor
Not only did Larry Speakes worry
that Reagan would put his foot in his mouth,
so did Reagan's wife
Nancy who would sometimes feed him his next line in a ventriloquist-like mumble. At a 1983 press conference, when Reagan began to stumble,
Nancy burst on stage carrying a birthday cake. She successfully turned
a news event into a party where reporters stopped asking questions and
sang "Happy Birthday" to Reagan.

The Ronald Reagan Years -
The Real Reagan Record
by Mark Tracy