Broken Family
During the 1980's, the mixing of politics and religion assumed new
heights. Through such organizations as the "Christian
Coalition," fundamentalist clergymen like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson
attempted to convince anyone who would listen that Ronald Reagan stood for "family values"
and was a bastion of virtue. However, the reality was quite
different. Ronald Reagan was
America's first and only divorced president. He was married to two different Hollywood actresses and he was part of the Hollywood culture -- anathema to family values.

"As uncomfortable as it is to
talk about, and write about, abuse is part of this story. I first
remember my mother hitting me when I was eight. It escalated as I got
older and became a weekly, sometimes daily, event. The last time it
happened was when I was in my second year of college."
--Patti Davis (formerly Patricia Ann Reagan), talking about her mother
Nancy Reagan, The Way I See It
"I laughed and was only sorry she
wasn't in it."
--Michael Reagan, describing his delight as a teenager when Nancy's
Lincoln Continental rolled down a hill and was totaled, On the
Outside Looking In
"I confronted her
about listening in on one of my phone calls. She raised her hand to
hit me, and I blocked her hand with my arm. She's never tried to hit
me before, but I have all these memories of watching her do it to
you. I used to look in your room and see her slapping you, and I
remember thinking that I was never going to let that happen to me."
--Ron Reagan, Jr., explaining to his sister why he ran away from home after a
confrontation with his mother, The Way I See It
"My mother chose to
make the anti-drug issue her campaign. I always felt that it was a
subconscious cry for help."
--Patti Davis (formerly Patricia Ann Reagan), regarding the irony of her
mother's "Just Say No" campaign against drugs. Patti Davis
claims that Nancy was heavily dependent on prescription tranquilizers, The Way I See It
"Can you see how
embarrassing this is? We have to try to explain to the press why our
son got married without letting us know."
--Patti Davis (formerly Patricia Ann Reagan), describing her mother's
reaction about not being told of Ron Reagan, Jr's wedding, The Way
I See It
"My parents have never gone for simple,
state-of-the-art lies. They weave bizarre, incredulous tales and stick
by them with fierce determination."
--Patti Davis (formerly Patricia Ann Reagan), regarding what her parents
told her about the circumstances of her birth seven months after her parents were
married, The Way I See It
The Ronald Reagan Years -
The Real Reagan Record
by Mark Tracy